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Creative Commons is a nonprofit that depends on the donations of supporters like you. If you believe in open access, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time or monthly contribution. You candonate onlineor visit ourDonor FAQ有关如何通过支票或电汇进行捐赠,以及捐赠股票、证券和加密货币的详细信息。For details regarding gift acceptance, please seeCreative Commons Guidelines for Screening Donors.

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Creative Commons licenses would do little without enthusiastic use by creators across disciplines. If you’ve created any sort of copyrightable material, such as video, text, images, websites or blogs,license them!

Take the CC Certificate course

The Creative Commons Certificate is an in-depth course about CC licenses, open practices, and the ethos of the Commons. It’s open to everyone.Learn more.


Please join the discussion! There are a few ways to jump into the discussion.

Mailing Lists


This is a wide-ranging public discussion of topics related to Creative Commons, including general questions about CC licenses. It is a good place to start if you are interested in Creative Commons, ask general questions, and find out how to contribute to the discussion.

License Development and Versioning

This is amoderatedlist focused on the development and versioning of CC licenses.


Ourpublic wikiis a place to develop a collective memory about Creative Commons, contribute to our on-going projects, and a great place to find ample amounts of ways to help grow the commons.


Slack is a free messaging and collaboration tool that operates much like IRC, but allows users to have public and private channels as well as direct messages. You can access Slack through the browser, the desktop app (for Linux, Mac OS, and PC,) or the mobile app on iOS and Android.

Join the Slack Community today!


We are continuously updating and introducing new tools to help users license their work more easily. Please visitCreative Commons Open Sourceto learn more about our projects and how to contribute to them.

Global Affiliate Network

Working alongside CC staff are a worldwide group of volunteers which consists of 100+ affiliates globally supporting and promoting CC activities around the world. These affiliates and volunteers are a vital part of the success of Creative Commons. A list of CC’s current affiliates can be foundhere.