Her Story: Transforming Open Through Feminism

Victoria Heath Julia Brungs
Support is Everything” byIpsita Divedi, licensedCC BY-NC-SA.

For over 40 years, millions across the globe have collectively celebrated the achievements, histories, ideas, and contributions of women on March 8 and increasingly, throughout March for Women’s History Month using#HerStoryand#BecauseOfHerStory. This year, we wanted to do something special to celebrate this annual event, so we reached out to several members of theCreative Commons Global Networkand the broader open community to ask them to share their personal stories, ideas, and insights by responding to five questions. The result is this five-part blog series called, “Her Story.”Throughout this series, we’ll also be highlighting the work of women artists who submitted pieces toFine Acts’ Reimagining Human Rightschallenge.

我们希望这些对话能激发你反思自己的故事和想法。我们也希望它能激励您思考如何帮助使开放共享更加包容、公平和可持续。Put simply, we want tomake sharing better—to do that, we need your help.

In part three of this series, participants responded to the following question:How can feminism transform the open movement?

  • Florence Devouard| Co-Lead, Wiki Loves Women; Wikimedian for 19 years; Former Chairwoman, Wikimedia Foundation

Les courants féministes sont de véritables bouillons de culture d’idées et des valeurs et accompagnent sous diverses formes notre histoire à travers des demandes d’égalité, de justice, de liberté, de visibilité. De son côté, le mouvement de la culture libre reste majoritairement masculin (par exemple seule 10% de personnes participant à Wikipedia sont des femmes; il y également beaucoup moins de femmes dans le développement de logiciel libre que dans le développement de logiciel propriétaire) et l’ambiance parfois assez agressive, voire sexiste. Les féministes sont à l’origine de nombreuses initiatives innovantes destinées à sensibiliser, recruter, former, soutenir les novices du mouvement libre, et membres des groupes de travail réfléchissant aux moyens de développer un environnement plus amical, plus positif, plus réceptif et réactif aux situations individuelles (tels que développement de Charte de participation).

EN:女权主义潮流是思想和价值观文化的真正的浓汤,并以各种形式伴随着我们的历史,通过对平等、正义、自由和可见度的要求。就其本身而言,自由文化运动仍然以男性为主(例如,只有10%的维基百科用户是女性;从事自由软件开发的女性比从事专有软件开发的女性要少得多),而且这种氛围有时相当咄咄逼人,甚至带有性别歧视。Feminists are behind many innovative initiatives aimed at sensitizing, recruiting, training, and supporting novices of the free movement, and are also members of working groups reflecting on ways in which to develop a more friendly, positive, receptive, and responsive environment.

Abolishing the patriarchy and cisheteronormativity gives room in which we can foster creativity into the knowledge we consider important to share and preserve. Black women and Black queer folks have so much knowledge and brilliance to share, but this is shadowed daily by the small but meaningful and impactful things that go on within the open movement. Such as controlling or directing who receives funding, people not having the “necessary” networks that could get them into rooms where important and powerful decisions and conversations are made, Eurocentrism, a lack of diversity in leading organizations, inequality in labour and hiring procedures, etc.Until these things are dealt with, nothing will change.

  • İlkay Holt| Representative to the CC Global Network Council, CC Turkey

I am not an expert in this area but I can say that feminism would help to put equality in practise in the open community, not only in terms of gender but every level of social equality.

  • Irene Soria Guzmán|Representative to the Global Network Council,CC México; feminista; académica y activista de la cultura libre

Silvia Federici dice que los comunes no son “cosas” sino relaciones sociales. Por ello, hablar del acto de compartir, [commoning], los vínculos y la interdepencia, pueden ser ideas que desde el feminismo ayuden a derribar las jerarquías sociales impuestas y transformar el movimiento abierto.

EN: Silvia Federici says that the commons are not “things” but social relationships. For this reason, talking about feminist ideas like the act of sharing, commoning, social ties, and inter-dependence can help demolish the imposed social hierarchies and transform the open movement.

  • Isla Haddow-Flood| Chair and Advancement Lead, Wiki In Africa; CoProject Lead, Wiki Loves Women

女权主义是开放运动的一个组成部分。公平和包容是开放的基石:如果你把人们拒之门外,你就不可能真正开放。这个领域的大多数主要参与者都致力于确保性别平等。Within the Wikimedia movement alone, active feminism and gender-equityprojectsand groups exist across languages, themes, and regions. Accompanied by safety and security teams and policies (such as theUniversal Code of Conductandfriendly space policy), together and separately these projects and initiatives have transformed the Wikimedia movement.虽然还有很多工作要做,但这个运动绝对是一个比过去更加性别友好的空间。这些项目不仅提高了妇女地位,鼓励妇女作出贡献,而且为男子提供了空间,使他们能够对性别问题有敏感认识,并有机会为实现性别平等而努力。

  • Mariana Valente| Director, InternetLab; Professor, Insper University; 2019-2020 CC Brazil lead

Obviously, we need to address gender equality in the open movement, but here I would like to go beyond that. Feminism has a lot to teach about forming communities, destabilizing crystallized power structures, and learning within differences.There are many affinities between the open movement and feminism. More than a legal solution, the open movement is about changing worldviews and creating—in the present—the living experience of what a different future could look like. Feminists are about that too. But one of the things which I think is exceptional is that feminists have learned over the decades how to fight in extremely adversarial environments, how to protect themselves from reactive waves, and how to reshape the movement in the face of internal power imbalances.Feminists have had to differentiate and define themselves too, politically, geographically, and in terms of values and principles—and at times, to join forces for common causes. Feminists have long understood the need to fight for both cultural and institutional change. These are all learnings that I think are very useful in addressing today’s challenges in the open movement.

  • Primah Kwagala| Executive Director, Women’s Probono Initiative (Uganda)

An ecofeminist approach to the open movement requires us to interrogate the patriarchal systems that continuously make it impossible for women to access, share, and consume openly accessible knowledge and content. Traditionally, it is men that are considered professionals whilst women were and are referenced/viewed as an aesthetic and a support system to their male colleagues in the open movement. Many women, to this date, are only able to exist as ghostwriters to their male colleagues in the open movement. This needs to end. The open movement needs to embrace and expose women’s works so we can equally celebrate and promote women as co-creators with their male colleagues.

There’s more! Readpart oneandpart two她的故事系列博客第四部分和第五部分将在整个三月的周一早上(美国东部标准时间)发布。请继续关注!