Her Story: Facing Our Greatest Challenges

Victoria Heath Julia Brungs
An illustration of a little girl on a swingset
Seeing is Believing” byLinoca Souza, licensedCC BY-NC-SA.

For over 40 years, millions across the globe have collectively celebrated the achievements, histories, ideas, and contributions of women on March 8 and increasingly, throughout March for Women’s History Month using#HerStoryand#BecauseOfHerStory. This year, we wanted to do something special to celebrate this annual event, so we reached out to several members of theCreative Commons Global Network以及更广泛的开放社区,请他们通过回答五个问题来分享他们的个人故事、想法和见解。其结果就是这个由五部分组成的博客系列,名为“她的故事”。Throughout this series, we’ll also be highlighting the work of women artists who submitted pieces toFine Acts’ Reimagining Human Rightschallenge.

我们希望这些对话能激发你反思自己的故事和想法。我们也希望它能激励您思考如何帮助使开放共享更加包容、公平和可持续。Put simply, we want tomake sharing better—to do that, we need your help.

In part two of this series, participants responded to the following questions:What is the biggest challenge facing the open movement today? And what’s the solution?

  • Florence Devouard| Co-Lead, Wiki Loves Women; Wikimedian for 19 years; Former Chairwoman, Wikimedia Foundation

我的思想和伟大的挑战世界的荣誉à有关的荣誉évolutions actuelles, quelles sociques sociétales。以自由参与和自由循环为限的自由参与和自由循环为例。Ou par example être capables de donner accès aux information sous différents格式技术,促进le partage d '信息中心平台。举个例子améliorer l 'expérience服务于人的生命之美。A beaucoup d ' égard, notre moumovement était très novateur il y A 15-20 ans. Est-ce toujours le cas aujourd ' hui ?On ne peut sans doute pas rivaliser avec les innovations technologiques desGAFA, mais notre mouvement est certainement capable de montrer le chemin et inspirer sur le plan humain au regard d’innovations liées à notre fonctionnement collectif.

EN: I think that our biggest challenge today is to remain relevant with regard to current developments, whether technological or societal. For example, take into account the fragmentation of networks and acts of censorship which limit free participation and the free circulation of content, or being able to provide access to information in different technological formats or facilitate the sharing of information between platforms. For example, improving the user experience by providing a service that respects the needs of each person. In many ways, our movement was very innovative 15-20 years ago. Is this still the case today? We can undoubtedly not compete with the technological innovations ofGAFA, but our movement is certainly capable of showing the way and inspiring people on the human level with regard to innovations linked to our collective functioning.

Volunteerism and Eurocentrism—the idea that if someone loves doing something they can do this for free—is unsustainable and exploitative, to say the least. There is also more recognition for white men in anything open culture and this to me considers that they’re more knowledgeable and important to the movement; I say every day that for everyonebrilliant white man you know in the open movement, there are at leasttenbrilliant Black women doing the same thing without receiving any recognition or support because of this white exceptionalism.

  • İlkay Holt| Representative to the CC Global Network Council, CC Turkey

开放运动面临许多挑战。我想今天最突出的是平等和多样性。在获取知识方面的平等和语言和社区方面的多样性。COVID-19大流行证明了世界各地在获取知识方面的差距有多大,但也证明了如果受到挑战,现状是可以改变的。A short, great article on this is availablehere.

  • Irene Soria Guzmán|Representative to the Global Network Council,CC México; feminista; académica y activista de la cultura libre

Uno de los retos es luchar contra la idea “individualista” de “autor único” que crea solo, por que no nos permite ver que se “crea” en comunidad y para los demás. La solución podría ser, hacerle ver al mundo que pensar en “comunidad” nos beneficia más. “Soy por que somos”

EN: One of the challenges is to fight against the “individualistic” idea of a “unique author” who creates alone because it does not allow us to see that they are “creating” in a community and for others. The solution could be to make the world see that thinking about “community” benefits us more. Put simply,“I am because we are.”

  • Isla Haddow-Flood| Chair and Advancement Lead, Wiki In Africa; CoProject Lead, Wiki Loves Women

The open movement has come so far in the nearly 10 years since I have been officially involved. Ultimately the open movement is a brave new world—so different from the corporate mindset. Like anything new, it has had teething problems and difficulties settling. Perhaps the elements that have been holding it back are those very elements that make it so powerful: the multiple voices, needs, and requirements that all the various and diverse stakeholders have. The strategic discussions that have been happening among some of the major players are definitely helping to drive the movement beyond its awkward teenage years.

With regards to individual involvement, I think the main challenge is still the lack of multiple fun and engaging pathways open to people so they can see how they can benefit personally or professionally. Most people still come to the movement through word of mouth or professional advancement. Across Africa, there is still a lot of confusion and a lack of applied knowledge around copyright and the open movement. So much more could happen if people understood the benefits and applications better. I would encourage greater visibility drives at the national and thematic level with fun ways to engage with and adopt the many open movement tools and resources that are available. Local aligned open organisations, affiliates, and chapters should work together more towards this aim.

  • Mariana Valente| Director, InternetLab; Professor, Insper University; 2019-2020 CC Brazil lead



  • Primah Kwagala| Executive Director, Women’s Probono Initiative (Uganda)

The biggest challenge in my opinion is the fear by content creators that they won’t be able to realise royalty for their creations if their work is made freely available to the public. This is a fear that we have to dispel. If the work is openly licenced online but commercialised in hardcopies, I find it a bigger and better marketing strategy. People still prefer flipping papers and the smell and sound of paper. They can still buy physical copies of the work and the creators can still make significant gains out of their creation.

There’s more! You can nowread part one of our “Her Story” blog series here. Part three, four, and five will be published Monday mornings (EST) throughout the month of March. Stay tuned!