Jane Austen portrait among wires

Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: Can Machines Write Like Jane Austen?

In the second part of our series on artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity, we get immersed in the fascinating universe of AI in an attempt to determine whether it is capable of creating works eligible for copyright protection. Below, we present two examples of an AI system generating arguably novel content through two different methods: …Read More“Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: Can Machines Write Like Jane Austen?”

Grant for the Web’s Call for Proposals Is Open Now

We’ve got great news for content creators and innovators interested in new ways of doing business online. Grant for the Web—the $100 million initiative by Coil, Creative Commons, and Mozilla (previously discussed here) to fund projects that utilize and build upon the Web Monetization standard—has issued its first public call for proposals. The Web Monetization …Read More“Grant for the Web’s Call for Proposals Is Open Now”

Just One Giant Lab Co-Founder Leo Blondel on the Power of Community and Open Source During COVID-19

Thousands of strangers working together, almost entirely online, to effectively solve an urgent, global challenge is remarkable—and it’s happening, right now. Recently, we published a post titled, “Open-Source Medical Hardware: What You Should Know and What You Can Do” examining the collaborative efforts by volunteer groups, universities, and research centers to solve the medical supply …Read More“Just One Giant Lab Co-Founder Leo Blondel on the Power of Community and Open Source During COVID-19”

Open-Source Medical Hardware: What You Should Know and What You Can Do

You’ve heard the stories: engineers 3D printing face shields in their basements; do-it-yourself hobbyists sewing face masks; and fashion designers crafting personal protection gowns. Globally, people are trying to help fill the medical supply gap caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through open-source medical hardware. It’s a heartwarming display of global ingenuity, innovation, and collaboration. In this …Read More“Open-Source Medical Hardware: What You Should Know and What You Can Do”