Introducing Our Google Season of Docs 2020 Participants

Kriti Godey

Code is just one part of open source; good documentation is essential for both users and contributors in order for open source projects to succeed. We’re excited to announce that Creative Commons is participating for the first time inGoogle Season of Docs, a program that pairs experienced technical writers with open source projects in need of better documentation.

We’ve selected technical writers to work with us from September to December 2020 on three different projects related to theCC Catalog API,CC Vocabulary,and ournew WordPress base theme.

Meet our technical writers!

Ariessa Norramli
Ariessa Norramli
Photo Credit: Ariessa Norramli

我叫Ariessa Norramli,是一名自由撰稿人,也是马来西亚沙捞越大学软件工程专业三年级的学生。我有大约5年的自由撰稿经验,在不同的领域,如内容写作,技术写作,和文案。我是一个自学成才的程序员,15岁时第一次自学编程。我喜欢阅读,编程和弹钢琴在我的空闲时间。我也是GNU邮差下的谷歌赛季2019年文档参与者。

Ariessa will work on improving the documentation for theCC Catalog APIfor both developers and contributors. She will be improving the automatically generated documentation as well as writing some narrative sections to add more context. Ariessa will be mentored by CC’s Software Engineer Alden Page. You can follow the progress of this project through theGitHub repoand the#cc-searchchannel on ourSlack community.

Jacqueline Binya
Jacqueline Binya
Photo Credit: Jacqueline Binya

我是一名技术作家和前端开发人员,来自津巴布韦,一个非洲南部的国家。我对网络充满热情,并着迷于如何利用它来有效地解决社区和企业中的问题。在全职照顾有特殊需求的儿子多年后,我于2019年转入科技行业。我是Andela FullStack BootCamp(基加利,卢旺达第11周期)的毕业生,我有电力工程的背景。我也是一个狂热的博主,在我的个人博客中,我写了一些技术相关的文章来记录我的学习,偶尔我也会写一些关于日常生活或者奇怪的新JavaScript框架的文章。

Jacqueline will work on documenting usage of ournew WordPress base theme,它构成了我们即将重新设计、CC证书、CC全球峰会等的基础。她的工作将使开源社区能够更有效地为这些项目做出贡献。杰奎琳将由CC的Web开发者雨果太阳能指导。You can follow the progress of this project through theGitHub repoand the#cc-dev-wordpresschannel on ourSlack community.

Nimish Nikhil Bongale
Nimish Nikhil Bongale
Photo Credit: Nimish Nikhil Bongale

Hello! I am Nimish Bongale, a final year Information Science Engineering student, pursuing my bachelor’s degree at Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. I possess a well-cultivated knowledge of Front End Web Development (ReactJS, VueJS), App Development(React-Native, Native Android), and Data Structures & Algorithms. I finished writing a research paper on “Spider Monkey Optimization” and completed a group project on streamlining the interactive medical diagnosis flows. During the past few years, I learned the importance of utilizing my skill sets for the betterment of society. This led me to take part in many technical events promoting social good. My main hobbies are playing chess (which you could most definitely call an addiction), badminton, and my guitar. I’m also particularly interested in blogging, communicating, and speaking to the masses!

Nimish will work on developing a comprehensive usage guide forCC Vocabulary,our web design system that has just begun to be deployed across CC websites. His work will improve the experience for both CC Vocabulary contributors and CC staff. Nimish will be mentored by CC Vocabulary maintainer Dhruv Bhanushali with assistance from CC’s Web Developer Hugo Solar and Front End Engineer Zack Krida. You can follow the progress of this project through theGitHub repoand the#cc-dev-vocabularychannel on ourSlack community.

We’re very excited to be working with these talented writers and can’t wait to get started!

Want more technical updates? Including the latest updates on these projects? Follow the Creative CommonsOpen Source blogand@cc_opensourceon Twitter! You can also join #cc-developers on ourcommunity Slack.