Millions Now Have Access to the CC Certificate in Italian and Arabic!

Jennryn Wetzler

To date, theCC Certificate只有英文版本。However, thanks to the incredible efforts ofCC Global Networkmembers, the CC Certificate course content (e.g., readings, articles, etc.) is being translated into multiple languages.

In particular, we are proud to highlight the work of CC Network members in Italy and Saudi Arabia. Paola Corti and Lokesh Rajendran have made CC Certificate content translations available inItalian and Arabic. With these translations, over 483 millionadditionalpeople around the world have access to the course content in their first language.

In addition to these translations, the first country case study was debuted today in English and Italian at theOpen Education Global Conferencein Italy. Thecountry case study, titledGeneral Principles on “Diritto d’Autore” and Related Rights in Italyprovides supplementary information on the rules regulating authors’ rights in Italy.

How are these additions and translations possible?

Upon successfully completing the CC Certificate*, Paola Corti (METID – Politecnico di MilanoProject Manager and Instructional Designer)and Lokesh Rajendran (National Center for e-LearningProject Manager) downloaded the CC BY course content andapplied their open licensing expertise to create the first translations of the CC Certificate to meet their communities’ needs in Italy and Saudi Arabia. They licensed the worksCC BY 4.0to enablemaximum reuse. Their work with METID – Politecnico di Milano colleagues (Deborah de Angelis and Laura Sinigaglia) andNational Center for e-Learning’sSaudi Open Educational Content Programteam members (Ahmed Al Mobarak, Saleh Al Khaliwey, Rabah Al Bawardi, Sara Mazen, and Maha Al Sheikh)took between 3-5 months to complete.

Their work exemplifies what’s possible when educational resources are openly licensed. Creative Commons haslicensed its CC Certificate content CC BYwith the intent of making the content as useful and accessible as possible. TheCC BY licenseenables anyone to create adaptations (also known as derivatives), such as language translations, to better meet the needs of different audiences.

We laud these Certificate graduates for their fantastic work, and look forward to highlighting future translations of the CC Certificate content! If you are interested in this work, please

*The CC Certificate provides an-in depth study of Creative Commons licenses and open practices, uniquely developing participants’ open licensing proficiency and understanding of the broader context for open advocacy. The training content targets copyright law and CC legal tools, as well as the values and good practices of working in the global, shared commons. The CC Certificate is available as either a 10-week online course or a one-week, in-person training to educators and academic librarians.