Derecho de autor en el tratado de libre comercio Mercosur-Unión Europea: pocas mejoras y muchos retrocesos

Publicado originalmente en inglés el 6 de abril de 2018. Traducción: Equipo de CC Uruguay. Un borrador recientemente filtrado del tratado de libre comercio Mercosur-Unión Europea muestra pequeñas mejoras en el capítulo sobre propiedad intelectual. Parece que la extensión innecesaria e injustificada de 20 años de duración del derecho de autor ahora se elimina del acuerdo, y …Read More“Derecho de autor en el tratado de libre comercio Mercosur-Unión Europea: pocas mejoras y muchos retrocesos”

Direito autoral no tratado comercial Mercosul-UE: poucas melhoras e muitos retrocessos

Publicado originalmente em inglês em 6 de abril de 2018. Tradução: Ana Luiza Araújo Uma proposta recém vazada do tratado de livre comércio entre o Mercosul e a União Europeia mostra pequenas melhorias no capítulo sobre propriedade intelectual. Agora parece que a extensão desnecessária e injustificada dos prazos de direito de autor por 20 anos não …Read More“Direito autoral no tratado comercial Mercosul-UE: poucas melhoras e muitos retrocessos”

Copyright in Mercosur-EU trade agreement: A little better, but mostly worse

A recently-leaked draft of the Mercosur-EU free trade agreement shows minor improvements to the chapter on intellectual property. It appears that the unnecessary and unwarranted 20 year copyright term extension is now dropped from the agreement, and the parties have introduced some flexibility for users to get around technical protection measures in order to leverage …Read More“Copyright in Mercosur-EU trade agreement: A little better, but mostly worse”

Secret negotiations, empty promises: Copyright policymaking needs sunlight for better outcomes

We’re taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different elements of the law, and addressing what’s at stake, and what we need to do to make sure that copyright promotes creativity and innovation. Today’s …Read More“Secret negotiations, empty promises: Copyright policymaking needs sunlight for better outcomes”

Trade negotiators: follow these rules to protect creativity, access to knowledge, users’ rights

Today over 70 international copyright experts released the Washington Principles on Copyright Balance in Trade Agreements. The document, endorsed by Creative Commons, urges trade negotiators “to support policies like fair use, safe harbor provisions, and other exceptions and limitations that permit and encourage access to knowledge, flourishing creativity, and innovation.” The principles were collaboratively drafted …Read More“Trade negotiators: follow these rules to protect creativity, access to knowledge, users’ rights”

TPP continues without the worst copyright provisions

Civil society organisations including Creative Commons helped deliver a win against the restrictive IP terms of the TPP, which were developed secret and would have locked down content and restricted user rights. For the last five years the Creative Commons community has been organising against the restrictive copyright provisions put forth in the Trans-Pacific Partnership …Read More“TPP continues without the worst copyright provisions”

Tratado de livre comércio União Europeia-Mercosul prejudicaria os direitos dos usuários e o conjunto de bens comuns (commons)

Hoje,一个创卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析作共用的公共资源uma análise do projeto de capítulo de propriedade intellectual do acordo de rivore comércio entre União Europeia e o Mercosul, que barca diversos aspectos vinculados a direitos de autor e direitos conexos。Nós examinamos questões que seriam prejudiciais ao domínio público, à criatividade e ao compartilhamento, e envolvendo os …Read More“Tratado de livre comércio União Europeia-Mercosul prejudicaria os direitos dos usuários e o conjunto de bens comuns (commons)”

El tratado de libre comercio Unión Europea-Mercosur dañará los comunes y los derechos de los usuarios

Hoy Creative Commons publicó un análisis del borrador del capítulo de propiedad intelectual del acuerdo de libre comercio entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur, que abarca varios aspectos vinculados al derecho de autor. Examinamos cuestiones que irían en detrimento del dominio público y serían perjudiciales para la creatividad, el intercambio y para los derechos …Read More“El tratado de libre comercio Unión Europea-Mercosur dañará los comunes y los derechos de los usuarios”

EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Would Harm User Rights and the Commons

Today Creative Commons published a policy analysis covering several copyright-related issues presented in the draft intellectual property chapter of EU-Mercosur free trade agreement. We examine issues that would be detrimental to the public domain, creativity and sharing, and user rights in the digital age. [The policy paper is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.] The European …Read More“EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Would Harm User Rights and the Commons”

Digital Rights Organisations Tell NAFTA Negotiators: Move Talks Out of the Shadows

Today Creative Commons and over two dozen civil society and digital rights organisations released a letter raising concerns about the potential impact of the re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on access to information, digital rights, and the open internet. The letter was released this week because trade negotiators from Canada, Mexico, …Read More“Digital Rights Organisations Tell NAFTA Negotiators: Move Talks Out of the Shadows”