CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks: Recordings and Request for Speakers!

Jennryn Wetzler

The Creative Commons Open Education Platform community completed our latest round of Lightning Talks, or seven-minute presentations on specific updates or stories in open education. Learn more about the presentations in the recording links and summaries below.

我们希望你能考虑在2023年的下一轮演讲中发言。Sign up here.

Our Lightning Talks presentations include:

“Open Syllabus: UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science” by Jennifer Miller

  • Summary:An open syllabus, assignments–including interactive multiple choice self-check questions–and rubrics for a semester-long course teaching open science through the lens of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. The syllabus and materials were created as part of the Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW) program. The course is suitable for PIs to teach as a special topics course to early career researchers in their lab or department, for a Maymester or summer session offering to prospective or incoming STEM graduate students, or in a lifelong learning context for practicing and retired STEM practitioners and educators. The syllabus has been presented and well received at OEGlobal, OE4BW Eduscope, OERcamp, and the First UNESCO Working Group Meeting on Capacity Building in Open Science. The openly-licensed materials are available onWikiversityandZenodo. Atrain-the-trainer session is offered July 26-28 at FSCI2022and a workshop is offered August 6 at theScholar.Social Summer School.
  • Presenter:Jennifer has 10+ years experience teaching and doing research in public policy and public management. She is a civic technologist and open knowledge advocate.
  • Presentation

“More OER for Free!” by Jonathan Poritz

  • Summary:In jurisdictions with a strong works-made-for-hire doctrine in their copyright laws, there is often a policy decision to be made about educational materials produced by employees (instructors and other staff) of educational institutions. In the US, at least, the result tends to be that copyrights for such materials are owned by the employer, excepting only tenure-line faculty in higher ed who keep their individual copyrights. A policy which automatically applied to those institutionally owned materials an OER-compatible CC license would instantly free enormous quantities of existing material, and open up future materials, for much wider use and public benefit. Jonathan discussed some of the details of how versions of this policy might work, what obstacles there could be in their way, and how they are or are not consistent with other policies and efforts.
  • Presenter:乔纳森是美国科罗拉多州一所公立大学的前数学教员和OER协调员;科罗拉多州OER委员会前成员;在许多开放教育组织中担任志愿者;以及CC证书课程的持续协调员。他目前住在美国科罗拉多州和意大利皮耶特拉桑塔之间的一个类似薛定谔猫的州。

“Open Climate Campaign” by Dr. Cable Green and Dr.Monica Granados

  • Summary:气候变化及其对全球生物多样性的危害是世界上最紧迫的挑战之一。气候危机的复杂性要求在多学科研究的指导下采取全球、国家和地方行动。这项多年活动的目标是促进研究的开放获取,以加快解决气候危机和保护全球生物多样性的进展。如果我们要解决这些全球性的挑战,有关这些挑战的知识(研究、数据、教育资源、软件)必须开放。
  • Presenters: Dr. Cable Green works with open education, science and research communities to leverage open licensing, content, practices and policies to expand equitable access and contributions to open knowledge. His work is focused on identifying complex problems (e.g., UN SDGs) where open knowledge is a critical part of the solution, and then opening that knowledge to help solve the problem. Cable is also a leading advocate for open licensing and procurement policies that ensure publicly funded education, science and research resources are freely and openly available to the public.
  • 莫尼卡·格拉纳多斯博士是“开放气候运动”的负责人,该运动是一项旨在公开气候危机知识和保护全球生物多样性的多年运动。气候变化及其对全球生物多样性的危害是世界上最紧迫的挑战之一。如果我们要解决这些全球性的挑战,有关这些挑战的知识(研究、数据、教育资源、软件)必须开放。
    Link to presentation:The Open Climate Campaign: opening access to climate and biodiversity knowledge (CC Open Education Lightning Talk)

“Building OER into Capstone Courses” by Carolyn Stevenson

  • Summary: Integrating OER into undergraduate and graduate capstone courses offers the opportunity to serve learners across disciplines. The Professional Studies degrees are competency-based, allow learners to craft their own individualized learning plan, and use OER as a cost-effective means for providing learning resources.
  • Presenter: Carolyn has 20+ plus years experience in online learning and is currently University Faculty for Purdue University Global, USA.

“Improve It Challenge” by Jamison Miller

  • Summary:Lumen Learning的改进It挑战赠款项目邀请任何人和每个人参与开放教育资源的持续改进。首先,贾米森分享了卢蒙学院如何使用数据来确定全美学生都在努力学习的卢蒙学院课程的学习结果。然后他解释了卢蒙资助计划,从人们如何申请开始。小额赠款将颁发给那些有说服力的建议的个人,以便根据这些困难的结果修改/重新组合/创建新的学习活动。如果A/B测试证明更新的学习活动显著提高了学生的学习,获奖者将获得10倍的奖金奖励!
  • Presenter: Jamison is the Director, Research Communication at Lumen Learning.
  • Slides
  • Blog post

Would you like to present in the next round of Lightning Talks, which will take place in 2023?Sign up here >>

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