Congratulations and Farewell

Catherine Stihler


首先,CC很高兴地宣布,长期工作的CC员工Kat Walsh被提升为CC总法律顾问。从2012年到2015年,Kat在CC法律团队中起草和发布4.0版本的许可套件。她于2021年返回CC担任副总法律顾问。Kat在自由和开放文化运动中有近20年的历史,包括多年在维基媒体基金会和自由软件基金会的董事会任职,此前曾在图书馆政策、科技初创公司和在线社区管理方面工作。她倡导免费获取知识,并主张将CC许可作为互联网基础设施的一部分,使其属于每个人。作为总法律顾问,她负责监督CC活动的所有方面的法律支持,提供战略投入,领导CC的法律工具的管理,并就新的规划举措向该组织提供建议。

Next, we would like to congratulate Sarah Hinchliff Pearson as she leaves her CC General Counsel post for a new and exciting opportunity. CC has been lucky to have Sarah on staff for nearly 11 years, first as Senior Counsel, then as General Counsel. Her service to CC has been marked by calm and deeply wise judgment and commitment to CC over these many years, for which our gratitude is endless.

Sarah‘s tireless research and diligence on the 4.0 license suite, as well as the translations of all the licenses, has opened up more in the world than anyone could possibly measure. The CC Global Network, the greater open knowledge community, and beyond have benefited greatly from her work.

Throughout her time at CC, Sarah has been committed to growing as a teammate and leader and to fostering the growth of others. It is thus with sadness but also admiration that we see her depart CC for the next leg of her professional journey.

The team and I want to wish them both Kat and Sarah well in their new and exciting roles.