Thank you!

Joi Ito / Photo by Mizuka /CC BY

One week ago Iasked感谢您的支持,帮助我们实现50万美元的目标。那时候,我们的竞选活动只剩下两天半的时间了,我们还需要筹集1.2万美元,我们都在想我们要如何才能筹到这笔钱。今天,我很自豪地说,我们的社区超越了一切——为CC筹集了总计525,383.73美元。

我想特别感谢所有长期支持CC的个人和公司。这些年来,我们有数百人继续支持CC,我希望我能公开感谢你们每一个人一直以来的支持。但是,我不想占用整个CC主页,所以请知道我是多么感谢您对CC的承诺。ToDigital Garage,Microsoft,Sun Microsystems,Tucows,Consumer Electronics Association, andwikiHow, thank you for your continued commitment to CC – I look forward to working with each of your companies in bringing more global awareness about CC, and I feel confident that together we will continue to enrich the digital commons we’re all investing in.

And to all the new individuals and new corporate supporters (Attributor,DotAsia,Ebay,Nevo Technologies,Safe Creative) – thank you for choosing to support CC this year. CC is only as strong as the community that supports it and we’re thrilled to see this community thriving. Think of all we can do over the next year by coming together and supporting each other.

I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the following companies and foundations who are committed to sustaining CC and the open movement. Tothe William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,Mozilla,IETSI,Red Hat,Google, and theOmidyar Network– thank you.

Thank you all from the bottom of my (and the rest of the CC staff’s) heart — we know how difficult it is right now and are deeply honored that you would choose tosupport CCthis year. This doesn’t just help us continue our work but also reaffirms the growing strength of our community and the belief in a more fair and accessible digital world.

The CC staff, the board of directors, and I all look forward to what will surely be an exciting 2009.

– Joi

One thought on “Thank you!”

  1. Thank You Mr, Ito for you leadership of Creative Commons. I’m learning more about the power of Sharing. As the world is learning, money isn’t everything.

    The powerful effect of human creativity is worth more

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