Digital Open Winners Announced

I blogged about the Digital Open in April, a new online community and competition that was accepting free and open technology projects from anyone 17 or younger through August. The competition was aimed at fostering an online and open community of youth by encouraging them to see the benefits of open source and open licensing. …Read More“Digital Open Winners Announced”

Back to School Conclusion: The Open Trajectory of Learning

As students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. Today’s predictions about the future of learning might eventually seem as preposterous as early 20th …Read More“Back to School Conclusion: The Open Trajectory of Learning”

Does your sharing scale?

Hannes Grobe / CC BY-SA Techdirt’s Mike Masnick is perhaps the most prolific blogger on the ill impact of overly restrictive legal regimes, including of course copyright and patents, but also trademark and even employment law (see Noncompete Agreements Are The DRM Of Human Capital) and often on people delivering real value to customers (sad …Read More“Does your sharing scale?”