Ruth Okediji

Ruth Okediji

Ruth Okediji
Ruth Okediji is William L. Prosser professor of law at the University of Minnesota. Ruth was also part of the process of negotiating the recently approved Marrakesh treaty; she joined the Nigerian delegation and helped lead the African Group.
Ruth Okediji

Ruth Okediji isWilliam L. Prosser professor of law at the University of Minnesota.Ruth was also part of the process of negotiating the recently approvedMarrakesh treaty; she joined the Nigerian delegation and helped lead the African Group. Her upcoming book,Copyright Law in an Age of Limitations and Exceptions,将于3月由剑桥大学出版社出版。Okediji教授著有多本关于版权和知识产权的书籍,她在发展中国家的知识产权问题上的工作经常被引用。她是《世界知识产权杂志》的编辑和审稿人,并曾担任美国法学院协会法律和计算机委员会、其知识产权委员会以及其官员和执行委员会成员提名委员会的主席。