

您请求的操作仅限于组中的一个用户:==参与方== [http://www.creativecommons.nl荷兰知识共享]是Kennis卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析land、Waag协会和信息法律研究所(IViR)与知识共享国际(一个成立于2001年的非营利组织,旨在促进知识和艺术作品的创造性重用)合作的合资企业。[http://www.bumastemra.nl Buma/Stemra]代表荷兰国内外音乐作者和出版商的利益。Buma/Stemra的核心任务是开发音乐版权(即收取和分配版税),并为其附属作曲家、词作者和音乐出版商管理版权。==目的==这个试点的主要原因是为音乐家提供更大的灵活性来分发他们的作品。该试点旨在测试Buma/Stemra系统和创作共用系统的结合在实践中是否有用。卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析==它是如何工作的==为了在创作共用许可下发布作品,参与试点的Buma/Stemra成员需要采取5个步骤:卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析首先,重要的是要确保已获得所有权利所有者的许可。事实是,除了作曲家和/或词作者之外,可能还有各种各样的权利所有者,比如合著者、编曲者或出版商。一个作品只能在CC许可下发布,但必须得到所有权利所有者的许可。2. In order to take part in the pilot, the musician has to be a member of Buma/Stemra. As a member you transfer the exploitation of your copyrights on your works to Buma/ Stemra, thereby enabling Buma/Stemra to collect the copyright royalties whenever third parties record or use your works. Musicians who are not yet a member of Buma/ Stemra may take out a membership and then proceed to follow the same procedure in order to release parts of their repertoire under a Creative Commons License. 3. The musician in question then indicates to Buma/Stemra which works he/she would like to distribute under a Creative Commons License. You do so (per work) through the Buma/Stemra website on which detailed instructions and special conditions can be found. Buma/Stemra then knows for which works they need not send an invoice within the scope of the pilot. 4. Next, the musician selects one of the three available licenses for non-commercial use on the Creative Commons website: * use of the works while attributing the work to you; * use of the works while attributing the work to you, but without any adaptations, such as remixes, being allowed; * use of the work while attributing the work to you, whereby the work may be adapted by third parties, subject to the condition that the remix is also made available under the same condition. 5. Finally, the work may be published online (or offline) for distribution and reproduction. ==Definition (Non)Commercial== Within the scope of the pilot between Creative Commons Netherlands and Buma/Stemra, ‘commercial use’ should be taken to mean the following: Every use of the Work by for-profit institutions is qualified as ‘commercial use’. In addition, within the scope of the pilot, distributing or publicly performing or making available online the Work against payment or other financial compensation (including the use of the work in combination with ads, publicity actions or other similar activities intended to generate income for the user or a third party) is qualified as ‘commercial use’. Within the scope of the pilot, ‘commercial use’ also includes the distribution or public performance or having broadcasting organisations make the Work available online, as well as using the Work in hotel and catering establishments, work, sales and retail spaces. This also applies to organisations that use music in or in addition to the performance of their duties, such as, for example, churches, schools (including dancing schools), institutions for welfare work, etc. Separate licenses are available from Buma/Stemra for such kinds of use. source: [http://creativecommons.nl/bumapilot/070823factsheet_en_web.pdf Fact Sheet Pilot Creative Commons Netherlands and Buma/Stemra] ==Experiences (so far)== ==Additional Information== * Announcement on the cc-blog: [//www.familygiver.com/weblog/entry/7622 Dutch Collecting Societies Welcome CC] * [http://creativecommons.nl/bumapilot/070823factsheet_en_web.pdf Fact Sheet Pilot Creative Commons Netherlands and Buma/Stemra] * Press Release: [http://creativecommons.nl/bumapilot/070823persbericht_en_web.pdf More opportunities for music authors to promote their own music] * Evaluation Report: [http://www.creativecommons.nl/downloads/100824evaluation_pilot_en.pdf August 2010 Evaluation of the Creative Commons Buma/Stemra pilot by Paul Keller (Creative Commons Nederland) & Andy Zondervan (Buma/Stemra)] '''Go back to [[Collecting_Society_Projects|collecting society projects overview page]]'''

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