A Transformative Year: State of the Commons 2017

At this year’s Global Summit, board chair Molly Van Houweling emphasized that Creative Commons’ vision was not necessarily limited to the internet, but instead acts in support of the creative spirit that is enabled by the internet.

Ryan Merkley


At this year’s Global Summit, board chair Molly Van Houweling emphasized that Creative Commons’ vision was not necessarily limited to the internet, but instead acts in support of the creative spirit that isenabled通过互联网。As we announce a landmark 1.4 billion works under Creative Commons licenses with this year’sState of the Commonsreport, we are celebrating that creative spirit – the people and communities who work to enable the large scale global movement for the Commons.

growth of cc licenses

知识共享协议卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析所提供的工具和程序使我们能够在网上共享——包括我们建立和管理的许可、法律工作和资源——这些工作是由一个致力于使世界变得更加开放和协作的全球社区推动的。在我们新的社区驱动的网络战略的支持下,我们通过活动、赠款和团结的工作来支持项目和人们,像comppartino es Delito!(分享不是犯罪!)以及为网络中立而战。


People, projects, and programs make up the bulk of this year’s report, but the data also supports our vision of a more creative, open world. 1.4 billion works is 200 million more than last year, and that growth has accelerated compared to the previous two years. To provide concrete examples: The Metropolitan Museum released 375,000 pieces of content under CC0 in February 2017. PLOS counts 7,000 editorial board members and 70,000+ volunteer peer reviewers to release 200,000 pieces of content. Wikipedia, one of our closest allies and partner in the “Big Open”, hosts 42 million freely licensed pieces of content. Our search tool has responded to 1,500,000 queries, and our website has been visited 50,000,000 times. And that’s only a part of our impact.


From our growing tech team to our usability initiative, we’re working smarter than ever to fulfill our organizational mandate of building a “vibrant, global Commons built on gratitude.” In order to compile this year’s report, we put out a call to our network to ask which people, country teams, and projects are making the biggest impact around the world. From Razan Al Hadid’s work to revive CC Jordan to Scann’s continued work for the public domain in Argentina, the Creative Commons community is made up of individuals working for a better world. (The fact that almost all the profiles are of women is just a happy accident for the UnCommon Women who carry the movement.)


This year’s highlights include the launch of theCC Certificates program, theBassel Khartabil Memorial Fund and Fellowship(awarded at the Global Summit), the newRights Back Resourcefor creators to reclaim their creative work, and stories from teams as far away from each other as Tanzania, Canada, and Uruguay.

As usual, we’ll be translating the report with a team of volunteers over the next month, and spots are still available!Please get in touch if you’d like to translate.


As I’ve said before, “Creative Commons is made of people,” and this report tells their stories. Thank you again for all your support, and be sure to share out your impressions with the hashtag #sotc.

Visit the report