We want your story ideas about collaboration in the commons

Jane Park
Collaborationby Quinn Dombrowski,CC BY-SA 2.0

We need your help!

Over the next year, we will be investigating and reporting on 2-3 of the most compelling stories about collaboration in the commons. We want to tell the story of when and why a creator first decides to use CC, the kinds of connections they make online, how they invite and encourage collaboration, and what makes them feel like they are valued for their work and part of a community. We’re looking for stories that are similar to the2016 State of the Commons, but deeper, getting at the heart of what really drives collaboration online.

This is part of our prosocial work, which you can read about inthis post:

“We are broadening our focus to look more holistically at sharing and collaboration online. We will investigate the values and behaviors associated with successful collaboration, in the hopes that we might apply them to content platforms where CC licensing is taking place, thereby enhancing the experience of sharing with CC.”

Fill outthis short form(it takes 3 min to complete). We are asking for storyleads— not fully fleshed out stories — so don’t worry about having enough material for a case study. We plan to contact, interview, and follow these creators or projects over the next year. So if you can think of 1-2 compelling leads, please share!

We are prioritizing the following fields:

  • 3D printing
  • Arts & Culture
  • Media & Journalism

Theform will be open for submissions through15 August, 2017.Looking forward to your ideas.世界杯2022赛程时间表 with any questions!