The Platform Cooperatives Movement Helps Light up the Commons

Hal Plotkin
People Power MosaicbyHerb Neufeld,CC BY 2.0

The Creative Commons upcomingGlobal Summitis the first major opportunity to introduce our community to the newly-bornPlatform Cooperatives Consortiumand to look for ways our two movements, which share many core values, can collaborate.

We have just entered a time of potentially enormous social turmoil. Like the 1960’s, it could also set the stage for some unexpectedly positive outcomes, this time, in ways that transform labor markets and business ownership structures. A powerful backlash to unchecked corporate power is gaining momentum. As it unfolds, Creative Commons, the Platform Cooperatives Consortium, and our allies around the world can play decisive roles in these labor market transformations. In fact, as 2017 dawns, there are at least two big reasons to be optimistic about the opportunities ahead for grassroots actions that lead to large-scale constructive social change.What’s more, everyone can help.

The first is the five-year “Lighting up the Commons” vision crystallized last year by Creative Commons CEO Ryan Merkley. This vision has already helped generate remarkable progress including more collaborative approaches to federally-funded scientific research in the U.S. and smarter government policies around the world. The three central pillars of theLighting up the Commonsstrategy arediscovery, collaboration, and advocacy.The strength of this inclusive strategy? It’s entirely community-driven and features an explicit focus on empowering changemakers with the substantial support and scaffolding of Creative Commons.

新生的“平台合作社运动”(Platform Cooperatives运动)的出现,让人联想到创作共用(Creative Commons)的青葱岁月,是卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析令人乐观的第二个原因。通过这个运动,一种美的事物诞生了。

CC0viaMax Pixel

Platform cooperatives rely on shared governance guidelines known as theRochdale Principles它规定了民主治理和分享利润,一般旨在加强非剥削性和互利的商业关系。

Last year’sPlatform Cooperatives Consortium organizing meeting, hosted at the New School in New York by the activist scholarTrebor Scholz, was thrilling. Onerapid-fire inspiring moment after anotherconveyed the sense of a world under repair.

This is from the platform co-opcall to action: “The cooperative platform economy can become one of the counterforces to the defects of the on-demand economy. It is a strategy for reversing wealth inequality, gender inequity, environmental degradation, and systemic racial injustice. Theexperiments now already underwayshow that a global ecosystem of cooperatives can stand against the concentration of wealth and the insecurity of workers that yields Silicon Valley’s winner-takes-all economy. They show that the Internet can be owned and governed differently.”

CC0viaMax Pixel

At the conference, we learned that taxi drivers in cities including Denver, Colorado have organized themselves into worker-owned co-ops such as theGreen Taxi Cooperative, an Uber-like service complete with a sleek smartphone app that is fully owned and run by the drivers themselves, whose rates of pay, job security and benefits have all increased. We also heard from feminist officials recently elected in Barcelona, Spain who are providingmunicipal support for the rollout of publicly-owned digital platform cooperatives, including an alternative to sites such as Airbnb. Barcelona residents who rent out their homes or apartments using the new platform cooperative will be rewarded with a share of revenue from other hosts, enjoy a more reliable income stream, and gain other benefits of platform ownership when they agree to pay taxes, operate transparently, and abide by local laws. We heard from workers on Amazon’sMechanical Turkcasual labor service who have organized themselves into a powerful new force online, based in part on platform cooperative ideas after suffering appalling abuses, including instances when remote workers were asked to caption beheading videos posted to the site by the Islamic State.

Harvard legal scholar Yochai Benkler, a longtime friend of Creative Commons, did the math in hiskeynote address: there is enough slack in global production and distribution chains, Benkler calculates, to enable rising standards of income, living and municipal services around the world if we use technology to reduce or entirely eliminate those who play a primarily “extractive” role in markets, the players whose main or sometimesonlyfunction is to come between the producers or providers of goods and services and consumers.

We’re talking about nurturing a return to a more humane form of capitalism, to the way agricultural cooperatives used to work and still do in some regions where farmers take turns harvesting each other’s fields and share storage silos and other facilities and equipment. There is already a homehealthcare servicethat is owned by the nurses it employs, and artist and photographer co-ops such asStocksythat pool some expenses and revenues. One day there may even be search engines and social media firms that are owned by their users, who would then gain full control over the data they produce and who could as groups or individuals negotiate their own relationships with advertisers and news media services who seek their attention.

Hopebyseaternity,CC BY-SA 2.0

But perhaps the most important takeaway from last year’s Platform Cooperatives Consortium organizing meeting was the message it conveyed not to despair or lose hope.

When they’re able, people revolt against tyrants and the tools of oppression and exploitation are reworked in different hands into tools of liberation and freedom. People of good will and vision can put these tools—the Internet and information technologies—to far better use than we do now. Spain’sMondragon Corporation, for example, is a network of worker-owned co-ops that has successfully resisted takeover by stateless multinational firms and now employs more than 70,000 people. In the U.S., approximately 30,000 co-ops presently contribute an estimated $154 billion to our national income, which provides a base on which more worker-owned businesses can be organized, constructed, and sustained. Imagine what might happen if government procurement policies here in the U.S. and around the world favor firms that are cooperatively owned by workers rather than controlled by global capital.

Platform cooperatives can put a brake on income inequality by making sure the voice of workers does not remain submerged in the digital age. They could also be the only way workers and Internet users can become masters—and owners—of powerful artificial intelligence systems that can’t be built without data we all produce.


The Internet is not finished yet and the future is in our hands. I hope to see you in Toronto!

Hal Plotkin is the Senior Open Policy Fellow at Creative Commons USA, the U.S. affiliate of Creative Commons. He served as a Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education during the administration of President Barack Obama (2009-2014). In 2002, Mr. Plotkin authored the first article ever published about卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析.