CC welcomes agreement in EU on landmark legislation on digital gatekeepers


卡塔尔vs葡萄牙分析Creative Commons (CC)对上周欧盟立法者就数字市场法案达成的里程碑式协议表示赞赏。鉴于大型“守门人”在公民和公司的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,CC认为,建立健全的立法和监管框架以确保公平和竞争的欧盟单一数字市场能够蓬勃发展是非常重要的。

Reflecting on the trilogue deal, CC CEO Catherine Stihler stated,

“I am pleased to see the EU’s political leadership stepping up to some of the many challenges digitalization brings. Whilst acknowledging the many benefits for consumers and end-users of digital products and services, it is only right that legislators seek to ensure the right balance between enabling citizens and businesses to reap the benefits of technological innovation while also serving to protect from manifest unfair competitive advantages enjoyed by a small number of global players.”


CC was also pleased to see EU legislators were not persuaded by last-minute lobby attempts by press publishers to unpick some of the carefully crafted compromises reached in previous EU legislation.

Stihler stated, “I applaud the fact that the final text ensures the fairness obligation refers to ‘conditions of access’, but that there are no further references to ‘remuneration’ or ‘digital content.’”

CC supports fair, transparent and healthy market competition that generates and supports digital environments conducive to creativity and cultural diversity. We strongly believe the DMA is a step in the right direction in this respect and will help sharing of knowledge in the public interest in a way that protects people’s privacy rights and fundamental freedoms.